Meadowdale Meadowdale Maintenance Association Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:50:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:45:35 +0000

Meeting Minutes from March 5, 2024

Board: Ian Heringslack, Alan Egler, Mike Rodriguez, Trupti Patel, Don McLeod, Don Palmatary, Yang Zhang

The meeting was called to order at 7:09pm by Ian Heringslack. A quorum of over 20 residents was recorded. The current board was introduced and the agenda was read in.

Topics of Discussion

2023 Meeting Minutes

The minutes were entered in without comments or questions.

2023-2024 Year-end Budget Forecast

Alan presented the y/e budget. He spoke to the $7,500 use of funds towards tree removals. That ended up being $4,500 over what was budgeted for trees.

An Audit was done by Bob Cox of Artisan Bank. No irregularities were found, all was accounted for regularly.

Proposed Budget 2024-2025

Alan reviewed the budget in great detail. Some discussion was had on the where and how to get additional money for the tree and walking path funds. There was also discussion on moving money around from within different, established accounts. The board will keep all suggestions in mind for consideration and discussion at an upcoming board meeting. A roll call vote was taken to proceed with the proposed budget:
[Yes] - 29
[No] - 0

Election Results

Mike read in the board member election results. 46 ballots submitted, 0 write-ins, 7 nominations.

Received votes are as follows:
Alan - 44
Ian - 41
Trupti - 40
Don P. - 43
Mike - 41
Yang - 39
Don M. - 36

Tree Policy

Ian discussed a possible option for removal of concerning trees and already downed trees in an attempt to keep from overspending.

If a Meadowdale tree fell on a Meadowdale residential property, that Meadowdale resident would share in the cost for the trees removal. Also, if there is a tree that concerns a resident, they are welcome to hire someone to remove that tree at any time.

Most residents were opposed to the cost sharing option and brought up concerns about legal responsibility and insurance coverage. It was recommended that the board receive a legal opinion on the matter.

This led to an open discussion about having a tree audit throughout MMA grounds, and bolstering our funds by having another increase in dues.

Goose Barrier

Don P. spoke about no longer up keeping the goose barrier due to time and labor being too much. Potential alternatives were discussed.

Entrance Traffic and Independence School

Trupti spoke with Rep. Mike Smith and admins of the Independence School about making school travel safer for MMA residents. As of this time, the turn signal at the school's light has been extended to allow for less build-up of traffic in that turning lane.


25mph speed limit was brought up. Please be mindful of how fast you are traveling through the neighborhood, especially with nicer weather around the corner.

Neighbors have expressed concerns about a few residents not curbing their dogs, as well as some not having their dogs on a lead. Please be mindful of some neighbors not being comfortable with dogs, as well as other dogs reactions.

It was recommended that we redo the directory and consider putting more effort in re-establishing the welcoming committee. Also, we will be looking to move back to in-person meetings.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:42pm.
Submitted 4/1/2024 by Mike Rodriguez

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2024 Q1 Newsletter Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:08:27 +0000
Meadowdale continues to flourish and maintain its property values because of you - our residents. The Board of Directors appreciates your support and your attention to our Declaration of Restrictions (DORs) because they define what Meadowdale is and what you want it to be. The DORs can be found on the Meadowdale Website, but because we are currently updating our website, a copy is attached to this eNewsletter for your convenience. A copy of the Architectural guidelines also is attached because they provide information on replacement windows, shingle color, fences, decks, etc. Finally, the color codes for Meadowdale Brown (for trim and garage doors) and stucco color are attached.
Architectural Control via Change Request (Article II, Section 1 of DORs):
When you're up to your eyeballs in contractor proposals, project start dates, etc., determining the need for an Architectural Change Request may be a consideration that falls between the cracks. But, failure to submit Architectural Change Requests when required (changes that are not "in kind") can lead to non-compliance with Community requirements and unnecessary hard feelings between neighbors. So, when in doubt, contact a Board member to determine whether a Change Request Form is needed. A copy is attached to this eNewsletter for your convenience.
Annual Meeting:

The Annual Meeting was held on March 5, 2024 via Microsoft Teams and was attended by 29 homeowners. The meeting attendees approved the 2024-25 budget with an assessment of $570 which would be discounted to $456 per household for payment before April 1, 2024. The minutes of the meeting are attached.

The election results for the Board of Directors were as follows.
Alan Egler (
Don McLeod (
Don Palmatary (
Ian Heringslack (
Mike Rodriguez (
Trupti Patel (
Yang Zhang (

The newly elected Board elected the following officers and made Committee assignments as follows.

President - Trupti Patel

Vice President - Don Palmatary

Treasurer - Alan Egler

Secretary - Mike Rodriguez

Maintenance Committee Chair - Don McLeod

Budget Committee Chair - Alan Egler

Architectural Review Committee Chair - Alan Egler

Meadowdale Website:

The original Meadowdale Website ( is still accessible, but no longer supported. A revised site (found at has links to certain important documents, but does not work consistently. Sorry about that!
The good news is that we are working on another website that should meet our needs at a reasonable cost. Stay tuned for updates. In the meantime, save the PDFs attached to this eNewsletter.

Community Walk About and Maintenance Priority List:

Members of the Board and Community conducted a walk about on April 14th to identify maintenance issues and establish priorities for necessary action. With our limited budget for trees, we are unable to address every need, but hope to address the most pressing in an orderly fashion. Thank you for your patience.

Community Directory:

We are due for a new Community Directory (last one was in 2020). The template containing resident names, email addresses, and phone numbers is being updated and we expect to have a new edition ready to go fairly soon. If you are reading this eNewsletter and have made changes to your profile or are new to the community, contact Bernie ( or Deb August ( to assure your information is included.

That’s our eNewsletter for this quarter. More to come in Q2.


Alan Egler - MMA Board of Directors

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2023 Q4 Newsletter Wed, 17 Jan 2024 18:07:00 +0000
Budget Status:

As of the end of December, our budget had been overrun because of necessary tree removal activities. Our decision to "overspend" was a deliberate one because we believed that the benefit to the community outweighed any potential budget shortfall. The total impact will be affected by how much of the snow removal budget is spent this winter. A draw from our limited reserve fund would be used to balance the books.

Community Road Repair:

We were informed by Mike Smith, our Delaware House Representative, that DelDOT had designated Cardif Court East for repaving this year. That's good news and we expect the work to start in the Spring when the weather moderates. Mike's letter to Meadowdale residents indicated that the contractor will inform us as to an actual start date. He also indicated that other community roads are being monitored to identify necessary repairs. Like most things, the availability of budget will dictate such repair work to a great extent.

Better Communications:

Meadowdale has seen a number of new residents join the community over the last several months. If you run into any of our new neighbors, please welcome them and ask them whether their email address has been added to our master email distribution list. If not, have them send me an email ( to have their email address added and begin receiving our community eNewsletter.

Important Documents:

While this Quarterly eNewsletter is a little late, it's still a good time to update everyone on our most important and useful documents. So, attached to this eNewsletter, you will find a copy of the Declaration of Restrictions (DORs) and Word Version of the Architectural Change Request (ACR) Form. The DORs describe the rules that apply, especially those pertaining to home exteriors. The ACR Form is used to request approval of any change contemplated. While "replacement in kind" is a change that does not require approval, the ACR Form is a convenient way to assure that your project conforms with the DORs. Please check with any member of the Board if you have any questions.

Annual Meeting:

You have received a letter announcing that this year's Annual Meeting is scheduled for March 5th. As with the last few years, the meeting will be conducted over Zoom. The letter also invites you to be a nominee for the next Board of Directors election. Please consider nominating yourself for this election and, if elected, serving on the Meadowdale Board of Directors. The Board meets by Zoom on a monthly basis for about one hour each month starting in April. If you have a couple of ideas to make Meadowdale better, toss your hat in the ring and become a Board member.

So, that's it for 2023. More News and Views to come in March 2024 after the Annual Meeting.


Alan Egler

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2023 Q3 Newsletter Wed, 06 Dec 2023 00:13:00 +0000
Budget Status:

As of the end of September, our budget was on track with all line items with the exception of tree removal activities. As you probably know, the large diseased tree in the center open area in front of the Farm House, was removed and the stump ground up a couple of months ago. The Board made the decision to address this problem because we received a significant discount from a contractor who was already working in the neighborhood. On the positive side, the large tree at the exit lane onto Paper Mill Road was removed under a DelDOT contract at no charge. While we made a conscious decision to "overspend", we believe that the benefit to the community outweighs any potential budget issue.

Trash Can Storage:

We have highlighted non-compliance with our community rules on trash can storage a number of times over the last several years. You should all know that our Declaration of Restrictions (the community rules) require that trash receptacles be stored in enclosed areas or hidden from view. The Board has been "preaching to the choir" on this issue because the vast majority of residents comply. However, for those few homeowners who are not complying, we respectfully request your cooperation. If your non-compliance is temporary or due to extenuating circumstances, please inform any member of the Board.

Replacing Cedar Planks?

Some of our homes, particularly the 4-BR Cambridge models, make extensive use of cedar planking. These cedar planks have been in place, resisting weather, wind and carpenter bees for over 35 years. While they can be replaced and painted Meadowdale Brown, there placement planks would still be under stressful conditions and, if not properly installed, subject to potential leakage during heavy rains and winds. So, what's an alternative? Hardie boards, a fiber cement product, recently have been introduced into the community on a number of homes. These "boards" come in 4' x 8' sheets, but are designed to replicate vertical planks which closely resemble the original cedar. Because of their composition and design, and amenability to painting, they represent a significant upgrade. Obviously, cost would be a concern and the neighborhood experience is that Hardie Plank replacements (Sierra 8 plank siding) cost in the vicinity of $11-$15 per square foot installed.


The Halloween season is right around the corner. In past year's, some of our Meadowdale Moms have organized activities, including trick-or-treating in a large group format. However, we still have little ones who tour the neighborhood as singles or in small groups. So, be aware and be ready for kids and parents on our streets and driveways when visibility is diminished. Please be safe!

So, that's it for Q3. More News and Views to come after the Holidays.

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2023 Q2 Newsletter Sun, 06 Aug 2023 00:13:00 +0000
Grant for Beautification of Meadowdale Entrance:

One of our newest Board members, Mike Rodriguez, works with the New Castle County Council and recommended that our Meadowdale Board apply for a grant toward beautifying Meadowdale's entranceway. We did and were successful in winning Janet Kilpatrick's support in the amount of $2500. Our budget for keeping Meadowdale looking good is much more than that, but this grant goes a long way toward our goal of keeping the entrance way, Meadowdale's "Front Door", looking inviting to residents, visitors, and prospective buyers. Many thanks to Mike for his insight and persistence, and Janet Kilpatrick for her support.

Big Tree at Development Exit Lane:

Remember the large half-dead tree at the exit lane onto Paper Mill Road? It has been taken down as part of a DelDOT tree trimming project along Paper Mill Road. I'm sure that many of you, especially parents and kids waiting on the school bus, had concerns that a large branch might fall at any time. This very real concern has been eliminated and, at no cost to Meadowdale. Thank you DelDOT!

Goose Barrier:

The strands of fishing line circumscribing the three front entrance ponds have been relatively effective at discouraging the goose population in Meadowdale. The barrier was constructed in accordance with guidance found on the State's Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) website, Although the barrier is humane, we've had problems with vandalism. Meadowdale's By-Laws empower the Board to adopt and publish rules and regulations governing the use of Association property (which includes the ponds) and the personal conduct of Members, their families, their tenants, and their guests with respect to that property. The Board also has enforcement authority by any proceeding at law against any person or persons attempting to violate any covenant or restriction. While we respect your personal opinion, we ask that you support the program and help the effort by treading lightly around the barrier and reporting any damage that you may observe. The Board remains committed to the barrier and expects to see increasing benefit over time.

Home Maintenance and Architectural Change Request Forms:

In our latest eNewsletter, we highlighted some Meadowdale restrictions that were being violated on occasion, perhaps out of ignorance. The Declaration of Restrictions (DOR) has been emailed to residents on many occasions and now are being sent to new residents before they go to settlement on their new Meadowdale home. In trying to understand why certain DORs continue to be violated, it appears that timely use of the Architectural Change Request Form may be the key. These forms allow residents to describe any change to their home that they contemplate, and give the Board's Architectural Review Committee a chance to evaluate the change against the DORs and identify potential discrepancies before they are implemented and possibly become subject to costly corrections. We understand how ACRs may be inadvertently addressed late in the project planning process, but there is no excuse for not submitting an ACR at all. So, please review the DORs periodically and use the ACR process.

New Meadowdale Website:

Many thanks to Rashmi Rangan for creating our new website. We have attempted to keep the site as simple as possible while making important documents available and easy to find. For example, you can find our Declaration of Restrictions (DORs), By-Laws, Architectural Change Request (ACR) Form, paint color code for Meadowdale Brown (required for trim and garage doors), paint color code for stucco (a close match for "clean" stucco), architectural guidelines, and Board meeting minutes, including Annual Meetings. Past editions of this eNewsletter can also be found on the new site. If you would like to access and scroll through the website, go to

So, that's it for Q2. More to come in September. Have a great Summer!

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2023 Q1 Newsletter Thu, 06 Apr 2023 00:13:00 +0000

Meadowdale continues to flourish and maintain its property values because of you - our residents. The Board of Directors appreciates your support and your attention to our Declaration of Restrictions (DORs) because they define what Meadowdale is and what you want it to be. While some of our residents know little about the DORs, most are very aware of them and support their enforcement. In past Newsletters, we have reviewed the more obvious DORs, like use of Meadowdale Brown paint on exterior trim and garage doors. But, there are several other DORs that are sometimes violated that bear mention. So, here's a list of some of them that have been brought to the Board's attention recently.

Trash Receptacles (Article I, Section 6):

This DOR envisions that trash cans are "kept in enclosed areas or hidden from view, excepting on regular collection days, when they may be placed temporarily at the curb." The Board believes that trash cans may be routinely placed at the curb the night before trash pickup day, and typically removed from the curb before pickup day end. Concerning storage of the receptacles, the Board believes that trash cans should not be visible from the front street. Please review your procedure and notify the Board if special circumstances should be considered.

Window Treatments (Article I, Section 17b):

All window treatments, including shades, curtains, and blinds (verticals, Venetian, mini and micro) shall be white or off-white color. For the most part, our DORs apply to the exterior of our homes, but this is an interior restriction that impacts exterior appearance. No one wants to criticize your decorating taste, but please realize that the DORs, particularly this one, are meant to maintain the harmony of the community.

Prohibited Vehicles (Article I, Section 7):

Pickups exceeding 3/4 ton, and enclosed vans exceeding 10,000 lbs. are not permitted on streets, lots or driveways or off-street parking islands, but may be kept within garages. Vehicles below these criteria and less than 7-ft tall may be kept within garages or upon driveways. The Board understands that special circumstances may apply, and encourages you to discuss such circumstances with a Board member.

Exteriors (Article I, Section 17e):

Replacement exterior trim, especially trim on windows and sliding doors(excluding front doors) shall be "Meadowdale Brown." The Board understands that off-the-shelf windows and sliders come with multiple trim colors, but generally not "Meadowdale Brown." Considering the cost of these replacements and the availability of colors that blend well with Meadowdale's color scheme, the Board and residents appreciate your efforts to "blend in." Baseline colors, like white, are non-compliant and not considered to be in harmony with community architecture

Decks (Article I, Section 19):

Deck materials of construction, natural wood or man-made composites made to simulate wood, shall be stained or colored natural wood colors. The Board understands that "natural wood colors" may be in the eye of the beholder, which is why all decks are subject to Board approval under Article II, Section1.

Architectural Control via Change Request (Article II, Section 1):

When you're up to your eyeballs in contractor proposals, project start dates, etc., determining the need for an Architectural Change Request may be a consideration that falls between the cracks. But, failure to submit Architectural Change Requests when required (changes that are not "in kind") can lead to non-compliance with Community requirements and unnecessary hard feelings between neighbors. So, when in doubt, contact a Board member to determine whether a Change Request Form is needed.

The Annual Meeting was held on March 7, 2023 via Zoom and was attended by 32 homeowners. The meeting attendees approved the 2023-24 budget with a new assessment of $570 which would be discounted to $456 per household for payment before April 1, 2023. This is an $80 per year out-of-pocket change for each homeowner.

The election results for the Board of Directors were as follows.
Alan Egler (
Don McLeod (
Don Palmatary (
Ian Heringslack (
Mike Rodriguez (
Trupti Patel (
Yang Zhang (

The Goose Management Program in Meadowdale was discussed at the Annual Meeting. The discussion was "spirited" and attendees had an opportunity to express their opinion on the matter. There was broad agreement that goose "poop" was a problem and that efforts to reduce the goose population were warranted. As a result, the Board will renew efforts to maintain the goose barrier and trust that ALL residents will support the community consensus on this matter. 

That’s our eNewsletter for this quarter. More to come in Q2.
Alan Egler - MMA Board of Directors

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2023 Annual Meeting Minutes Thu, 06 Apr 2023 00:13:00 +0000

Meeting Minutes from the Annual Resident Meeting March 7, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Ian Heringslack via Zoom. A quorum of over 20 residents

was recorded.

Meeting Agenda

Ian welcomed everyone to the meeting and reviewed the agenda for the meeting.

There was a motion to waive the reading of last year’s meeting minutes and there was a second for that


2022-2023 Budget Year in Review

Alan reported on the expenses for the year and the new proposed budget for the upcoming year. Elena

D. asked the question whether the board planted new trees when some of the old trees were removed.

Several residents had also commented and asked the question of why we do not get competitive quotes.

Alan said that the board will seek out some quotes for the upcoming year.

Audit Findings

Bob Cox once again did the audit and found no discrepancies.

2023-2024 Proposed Budget

Ian did another quick review of the proposed budget. Bob Cox asked about the water bill that we pay.

Several residents also questioned the Down to Earth contract and the expected increase to $9,000 and

why we do not get competitive quotes.

The new budget was then voted on with 29 yes and 2 no.

Election Results

This year we had 5 nominees who ran for the board. All 5 were elected. Don M. was elected from the

write in votes. There was a question about some missing ballots that may still be in the PO box. Trupti

will make another visit to the PO box to answer the question.

Geese Barrier

Ian opened the discussion on the geese barrier with where the MMA Board stands on the issue. The

board is responsible for maintaining the common ground of the community and anyone caught

vandalizing the barrier would be subject to charges filed. After a lively discussion, it was determined that

most of the community is in favor of the barriers.

Closing Remarks

Ian had several closing remarks and thanked everyone in attendance.

Submitted 3/14/2023

Mike Clucas

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